Sunday, May 23, 2010

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Nauvoo was beautiful. We couldn't believe how GREEN everything was. This was taken by the Joseph Smith Homestead - actually this is taken from the back side. The original can be seen from the front by the river. It was a trip we had been wanting to take for years. The weather was great and the crowds had not yet arrived since most schools are not out yet.
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The Little Traveller


A couple of days after Ben's graduation we took off on a road trip to Nauvoo. Eli was an amazing little traveller. It took us 12 hours to get there from Oklahoma City (that's with a few pit stops figured in) and he was extremely goodnatured and happy the whole trip. But when we got to the place where we were staying he was so excited to get out of that car seat he took off crawling at super speed to explore the whole place. He checked out each room and was making happy little sounds the whole time. I got to sit in the back seat and play with him whenever he was awake. Fun!
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Ben's Graduation


Ben graduated on May 15th with a degree in Chemical Engineering from Oklahoma University. He graduated with Special Distinction - (back in the day - they just said"with honors")but he received a 3.96 GPA. We couldn't be prouder and it was wonderful that Ron, Ian & I could be there to share in the celebration.
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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Aaronic Priesthood Outing - 2010

Since becoming a Bishop I have been thinking a lot about the young men of the Aaronic Priesthood and after reviewing the Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting of 2004 specifically focusing in on The Bishopric and the Aaronic Priesthood  I have felt the need to do more in my church calling for the young men and young women in our Ward and as the Patriarch of the Ishii clan to do more for these spirit children that are blessing each one of you!  

With that thought I want to propose an outing sometime this year 2010 where we can take these future ambassadors and leaders of the kingdom on a two or three day outing. Some where we can share our testimonies with them and feel the immense love their Heavenly Father has for each one of them.

Brethren, in a World Leadership Training Meeting in 2004 Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said this about the Aaronic Priesthood young men. " ...our discussion today will center on the young men of Aaronic priesthood age and their unique god-given gift of priesthood privilege. As leaders, we must do everything we can to increase our young men's understanding of the Lord's priesthood and their testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ...".

As many of you know Elder and Sister Holland were sent to South America to work with the leaders in Chile where the church is experiencing a high rate of growth. A question was asked him "what have you witnessed in Chile about preparing our young men for Aaronic Priesthood responsibilities? He responded by saying "...what I have learned about the Aaronic Priesthood in Chile is exactly what I have known in my; heart for years--that the Aaronic Priesthood, these young men who are given such remarkable authority at such a tender age, are the key to our the Church, that foundation must always be a priesthood foundation....Strengthening the priesthood base is what my counselors and I have spent much of our time doing these past many months. But, interestingly enough, that is what the Lord is always doing through the Aaronic Priesthood!"

Than he related a humorous yet sobering example of a primitive intelliegence test shared by President Monson in a recent training session with the General Authorities. "...he said one quick way to learn how good our thinking is, is to give a man the task of draining a pond and the see what he does first. If he starts right in, frantically trying to bail water out of the the pond, he is not as wise as the man who first stops the flow of new water coming into the pond.

For those of you who are overwhelmed by the size of the task involved in draining a pond, bring it closer to home and consider an over-flowing bathtub! As urgent as that water on the floor may be it is more urgent for you first to turn off the bath faucets before deciding what to do about the water in which you are already standing! Virtually every leader in attendance today knows that the growing pool of prospective elders among the ranks of the adult men of the Church, those who are unordained and otherwise less active, is one of the most serious challenges we face. The most important thing we can do to diminish the pool of the less-active adult man is make certain we keep active and ordain, on time, the young man.

Unfortunately, the large stream of less-active or unordained boys rippling out the Aaronic Priesthood is by far the most sizable source of our less-active or unordained Melchizedek Priesthood candidates.

Brethren, take my word for it; however difficult it may be to get or keep a boy active at, say 13, it is a lot more difficult to find him and get him active again at age 30! Yes, in every way these young men, mere boys as we all once were , are the key to the future. We must give a full measure of our devotion to them now, bringing blessing today and blessings to everyone for generations to come. "

I would like to highlight what Elder Holland said about "...mere boys as we all once were, are the key to the future..". to me that is a sobering thought as I think about all these grandchildren coming into the fold, little babes in the woods. The question I ask myself, is it ever too early to start these spirit children who have been reserved to come forth at this time in this place to inherit the mantle of the priesthood to train them in the priesthood way?

Bishop Burton said, "..when I look at those young men, I don't see them as they are; I see them as they and as the Church in Chile needs to be 10, 15, 20 years from now. We must invest ourselves in their training and in their spiritual development. ..". I see the same for our families as Gabriel, Eli, and Kai who have arrived just within a span of just weeks apart.  Just think what what could happen in just 8 short years from now.  Little Derek will be old enough to be ordained a Deacon,  Mark  and Noah as Teachers, Andy and  Ben Graves as Priests, Luke graduated from high school and a year away from serving a full time mission. And Austin could be a year into his mission and Brendon a returned missionary away to college or married in the Temple. Is it ever too early to prepare these young men to serve their God?

Bishop Burton then asked Elder Holland "how do we keep our youth focused on righteous living when negative worldly influences are so invasive? Focusing on righteousness is very important in the lives of our young people. Spiritual focus is enhanced when sights are set on accomplishing eternal goals. This statement implies that doctrines are taught and understood while at the same time commitment to achievement is entered into. We all know that doctrine changes or solidifies behavior. Therefore, as we teach and testify of the doctrine and encourage the achievement of goals, such as those contained in the Young Men's Duty to God and the Young Women's Personal Progress program, we help keep a focus on the spiritual as opposed to the worldly.

I know that you fathers in Zion are way ahead of me in the way you are training the future fathers and leaders of the Lord's church and kingdom. And I would like to underline what Elder Holland went on to say one powerful way to assist these young men is to bear your own testimony to them-humbly, honestly, and often. No matter what the setting will be we just need to share our testimonies often.

He said he has talked to thousands of youth about what they remember from Aaronic Priesthood activities or mutual, or seminary or youth conference and that is their spiritual experiences. Then Elder Holland concluded by saying to us Bishops  "...I ask of you to do everything you can to create or to provide the circumstances for a spiritual experience in the live of our Aaronic Priesthood young men and young women of the Church as well. Nothing we do for them in our various programs will matter as much as that, and I promise you it is what they will remember and treasure.

This is what I envision for our outing:
  • Brendon and Austin would be in charge of planning the activities such as creating an orienteering course or constructing a monkey bridge, or organizing night games such as capture the flag. 
  • Ben, Luke, Mark, Andy, Noah, and Derrick in charge of the fireside skits, knot tying, hiking rules, identifying plants and animals. ...
  • Dutch oven cooked meals, foil dinners, and banana boat specials along with smores.    
  • Gabriel, Eli, and Kai taking care of their moms.
Resources within the group; Denver, Chad, Ian, Ben, Seth, Dave, and grandpa.
Resources without the group; Scout handbook, Cub Scout handbook, merit badge counselors,  

Will each of you respond Denver, Chad, Ian, Ben, Seth, and Dave and let me know what you think? Is this an important enough thing that we should go forth and Do It?