Sunday, May 23, 2010

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Nauvoo was beautiful. We couldn't believe how GREEN everything was. This was taken by the Joseph Smith Homestead - actually this is taken from the back side. The original can be seen from the front by the river. It was a trip we had been wanting to take for years. The weather was great and the crowds had not yet arrived since most schools are not out yet.
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The Little Traveller


A couple of days after Ben's graduation we took off on a road trip to Nauvoo. Eli was an amazing little traveller. It took us 12 hours to get there from Oklahoma City (that's with a few pit stops figured in) and he was extremely goodnatured and happy the whole trip. But when we got to the place where we were staying he was so excited to get out of that car seat he took off crawling at super speed to explore the whole place. He checked out each room and was making happy little sounds the whole time. I got to sit in the back seat and play with him whenever he was awake. Fun!
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Ben's Graduation


Ben graduated on May 15th with a degree in Chemical Engineering from Oklahoma University. He graduated with Special Distinction - (back in the day - they just said"with honors")but he received a 3.96 GPA. We couldn't be prouder and it was wonderful that Ron, Ian & I could be there to share in the celebration.
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